Monday, June 1, 2020

The Color of Passion

The Color of PassionCrimson is the color of fire in most interpretations of the five senses. The color red is best associated with passion, which is what college essay samples are all about. It is the color of passion and craving for knowledge. The urge to read about some subject or another has been the root of the whole process for centuries.It is a cultural trait to wear crimson when you are excited and alive. Inventors associate the color with fire and brilliance. The color is associated with both wealth-building. High-ranking people wear crimson as a sign of pride and self-confidence.The color is also used in the United States Navy for official activities. The navy uses a red-purple patch, to identify those who are serving on ships. The color is also used in the United States Army as the battle cry of those who are on a kill mission. The Navy Blue from blue of the sky to a deep purple of the sky, which is the color of the sky, and so on, indicates that an area is being explored.T he color crimson is always associated with conflict, which is the central theme of most college essay samples. In fact, it is no surprise that the famous poet Robert Frost chose the color to be the backdrop for his famous poem, 'The Road Not Taken.' People who were not satisfied with their circumstances either chose to be discontented or choose to do something about it.The color red was used extensively in medieval times to illustrate atrocities and cruelty. Today, it still represents that era of darkness and misery. For the people of those times, the color red was used to convey the horror of suffering. That's why they decided to represent the hardships and brutality of the period by using the color red.Good interpretation of the words, 'red'fire' is what most writers strive for. A reader would like to relate the feelings they have with the colors. Writing in such a way can definitely improve a writer's skills. It may even improve the way a writer reads.Many college essay samples i nclude a depiction of the process of burning in a fireplace. There's just something about red that seems to evoke that same warmth and fire. Besides, crimson is the most common color in a fire, and that is all the writer needs to give the information they want the reader to take away.It is all about getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, right? Writing for the test is hard enough without having to learn about the formulae for the test. How do you expect to get a great grade without actually knowing what goes into the equation? If the information is available online, so much the better.

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